Questions marked by * are required.
1. Name of animal you wish to adopt *
2. Adopter Name *
3. Street Address *
4. City, State, Zip *
5. Email Address *
6. Home Phone
7. Cell Phone
8. Are you in the process of moving?
9. Do you rent or own your home?
  • Rent
  • Own
10. Name and contact for Landlord if applicable
11. Number of adults in the home
12. Number of children in the home
13. Do other members of the household support your decision to adopt a pet?
14. Do you have experience with the breed? *
15. Do any members of your household have allergies?
16. On average, how many hours a day will this pet be left alone?
17. When you are not at home, where will this pet be kept?
18. Personal reference #1 Name and Contact information *
19. Personal reference #2 Name and Contact information *
20. List current pets: Breed, Gender, Age and behavior issues if any
21. Are pets in your home current on vaccinations?
22. Are pets in your home current on heart worm prevention?
23. Are pets in your home spayed/neutered?
24. Veterinarian Name, Address and Contact
25. Do you plan to keep this or any other pet on a chain?
26. Do you have a fenced area?
27. Type/height of your fence
28. What type of exercise and socialization will you provide for your new pet?
29. What type of corrective action do you use when your pet misbehaves?
30. What type of issues would you be unwilling or unable to work with?
31. Under what circumstance would you consider returning the pet to the rescue?
32. Are you willing /able to take on the financial commitment of providing veterinary care, grooming, emergency expenses, supplies, and food, for the lifetime of this pet- understanding that these expenses can often add up to the hundreds of dollars each year?
33. Are you willing to allow a home visit by a FTHR representative as part of the approval process?
34. Have you ever surrendered a pet to a shelter or rescue?
35. Have you ever had a pet picked up by security or animal control? Please explain the circumstance and the resolution.